
Netflix映画 せんだい・宮城フィルムコミッション特集サイト






Minako (Masami Nagasawa) wakes up on the beach where debris has been scattered. As she searches for her missing son, Ryo, she encounters a young man, Akira (Kentaro Sakaguchi), a former yakuza gang member named Shori (Ryusei Yokohama), a former film producer, Michael (Lily Franky), and their friends along the way.
This place is “a world where those who leave lingering emotions stay.”
Minako is unable to accept reality, but when she participates in a “parade” where the dead gather once a month to search for the person they each longed to meet, she begins to touch the hearts of each person she encounters.
As each person’s secrets and sorrows are healed, a glimmer of hope emerges.


  • 出演 長澤まさみ
    坂口健太郎 横浜流星 森七菜
    黒島結菜 中島歩 若林拓也/ 深川麻衣 でんでん
    舘ひろし(特別出演)/ 北村有起哉 木野花 奥平大兼
    田中哲司 寺島しのぶ
  • スタッフ 脚本・監督:藤井道人
    プロデューサー:佐藤菜穂美 道上巧矢 行実良



野蒜海岸Nobiru Coast東松島市

東松島市野蒜南余景Minamiyokei, Nobiru, Higashimatsushima, Miyagi

The beach where Minako washed up. The calm coastline stretches for approximately 3 kilometers from east to west. The filming took place over two days, with preparations starting before sunrise in the freezing cold.

旧大崎西部家畜市場Former Osaki Seibu Livestock Market加美町

加美郡加美町小泉天神76-176-1 Koizumitenjin, Kami-machi, Kami-gun, Miyagi

Minako searches for her only son, Ryo, around the site of her former home. With the assistance of a local construction company, a vast area of the former Osaki Seibu Livestock Market was used for an elaborate shoot, including the building of sets with piles of discarded materials gathered from a waste management center and recycling businesses, as well as recreating the room where Minako used to live, etc., and a green screen backdrop was installed for the large scale filming.
※Inspection tours of outside only.

旧富永小学校Former Tominaga Elementary School大崎市

大崎市古川富長五右エ門6-26-2 Goemon, Furukawatominaga, Osaki, Miyagi

The elementary school that Minako’s son attends. Minako comes to the gymnasium, which has become an evacuation center, to look for her son. The shooting received the cooperation of over 100 extras from early morning until late at night. The school has been closed since March 2021.
※No unauthorized entry to the premises.


仙台市太白区八木山香澄町26-126-1 Yagiyamakasumicho, Taihaku-ku, Sendai, Miyagi

The TV station where Minako worked. A news staff member works hurriedly while worrying about Minako, whose safety is unknown.The filming took place at Tohoku Broadcasting, an actual news floor was rented for filming from the evening until the next morning, as live news and weather forecasts were being broadcast.

青雲神社Aokumo Shrine栗原市

栗原市栗駒猿飛来山根8989 Yamane, Kurikomasappirai, Kurihara, Miyagi

The shrine Michael visits to pray for good luck. The shrine is the starting point for the parade of the dead carrying lanterns, and is located in a peaceful rural area at the foot of Mount Kurikoma.

六日町通り商店街Muikamachi-dori Shopping Street栗原市

栗原市栗駒岩ケ崎六日町Muikamachi, Kurikomaiwagasaki, Kurihara, Miyagi

A shopping street where the dead gathered and a “parade” was held so each participant could search for the person they longed to meet.The scene where Minako and her friends warmly watch over the man who has reunited with his family was filmed at the Muikamachi-dori shopping street in Kurihara City, which retains a nostalgic “Showa era” atmosphere.

中町・長町商店街Nakamachi Nagamachi Shopping Street白石市

白石市中町Nakamachi, Shiroishi, Miyagi

One of the shopping streets where Minako and her friends parade with lanterns. An old-fashioned shopping street with a straight line of approximately 300 meters and a covered walkway is rare even in Japan. At the time of the filming, the fluorescent lights were replaced and a device was installed to flash when a dead person passed by.

みやぎ霊園Miyagi Cemetery仙台市

仙台市青葉区郷六大森2-12-1 Omori, Goroku, Aoba-ku, Sendai, Miyagi

A scene where yakuza gang members of the Nakata-gumi visit Shori’s grave. A park cemetery located on the hill near Sendai Miyagi Interchange. There was snow the day before the filming, and the entire staff came out to remove the snow from around the grave before filming.

東北工業大学長町キャンパス敷地内道路Tohoku Institute of Technology Nagamachi Campus On-site Road仙台市

仙台市太白区二ツ沢66 Futatsusawa,Taihaku-ku, Sendai, Miyagi

A scene where Shori uses his motorcycle to chase Mizuki’s car. The motorcycle was driven by actor Ryusei Yokohama himself. The shoot takes place on the roads within the university campus, offering a scenic view overlooking Sendai city. The filming included towing the prop car vehicle.

宮城県築館高等学校Miyagi Prefecture Tsukidate High School栗原市

栗原市築館下宮野町浦2222 Shimomiyanomachiura, Tsukidate, Kurihara, Miyagi

The girls’ high school that Nana attended. Nana comes to the classroom because she is worried about her friend Yasuko.This school has a history of over 120 years.
※No unauthorized entry to the premises.

東一番丁通Higashi Ichibancho-dori Ave.仙台市

仙台市青葉区一番町11 Ichibancho, Aoba-ku, Sendai, Miyagi

One of the streets where the dead parade with lanterns on the night of the new moon. The filming took place with Higashi Ichibancho-dori Ave, located on the south side of Sun Mall Ichibancho Shopping Street, closed off to the public at night.


石巻市雄勝町桑浜字桑浜6060 Kuwahama, Ogatsucho Kuwahama, Isihinomaki, Miyagi

A children’s home where Minako’s son, Ryo, was entrusted. The children’s experience facility utilizes an abandoned school where children can experience living in harmony with nature in the rich forests, sea, and villages of Ishinomaki/Ogatsu.


西谷棚田Nishitani Rice Terraces福島県二本松市

福島県二本松市二伊滝11 Niitaki, Nihommatsu, Fukushima

Michael and his friends march amid dancing bubbles of light. People from other villages also gather one after another. The lantern lights, reflecting on the water-filled rice paddies, create a beautiful scene. Nishitani Rice Terraces has been certified as a “Tsunagu Tanada Heritage (Connecting Terraced Rice Fields Heritage)” through the environmental conservation and maintenance efforts of the local community.


福島県南相馬市原町区大町1-1201-120 Omachi, Haramachi-ku, Minamisoma, Fukushima

The theater where Minako and her friends watch a movie produced by Michael. This retro building was opened in 1923 as a playhouse and permanent movie theater, and is designated as a national tangible cultural property.

Behind the Filming Stories撮影うら話




The parade scenes were filmed at night over three days. Each day, over 200 volunteer extras participated in the parade scenes, wearing various outfits. In the late November nights, when temperatures approached near 0 degrees Celsius, filming became a battle against the cold and the time limit allowed for road closures. Thank you very much to everyone who cooperated, enduring the cold for such extended periods. During the late nights, the starry sky seen in Kurihara was exceptionally beautiful, with clear and crisp air.



撮影中のスタッフのささやかな楽しみは美味しい食事!宮城ロケ時にはケータリングで温かい食事をご提供いただいたり、各地から差し入れをいただくなど、スタッフは宮城の食を堪能し、おもてなしに感激していました♪ 映像には映らないところで地域の皆さんに多大なご協力をいただいています。

A small pleasure for the staff during filming was the delicious food! During the filming in Miyagi, staff enjoyed local cuisine, such as hot meals provided by catering and gifts from various sources. They were deeply moved by the warm hospitality. We received a great deal of cooperation from the local community in areas that are not featured in the film as well.

Extra Volunteer Participant Episodeエキストラ参加者のエピソード




I couldn’t be happier that my hometown became a filming location! It was so surreal to see our familiar shopping district transform into a filming location; it felt like I had stepped into a different city. My daily life had been stressful due to the COVID pandemic, but when I took on the challenge of being an extra, it was the first time in a while that I truly enjoyed myself. (Chami-san)




Seeing the professionalism of the staff, the authentic sets, and the many actors was such an exciting experience that nothing could replace and it was so much fun! It was tough enduring the cold during the long filming, but I enjoyed the entire experience. (Maririn-san)




Although it was very cold, the director, actors, and staff never let up their enthusiasm, and I was impressed by how attentive they were even to the tired extras. There was a strange sense of community among the extras, some of whom were local and others who came from far away, and when those extras left, everyone applauded for their hard work. It was a wonderful once-in-a-lifetime experience. (MIE-san)